Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Jubilee Scout Camp Urswick 2012

Up the lane to Scout camp

  • Walking up frothy country lanes lined with Cow parsley to join Scout camp.
  • Cooking bread dough wrapped round sticks over the campfire
  • Taking in the sights and sounds of the country this Jubilee weekend and appreciating the beautiful area we live in and the opportunities available to my children.
Learning to use a saw

Animal Antics

Baby Magpie

Finding a baby Magpie with a broken leg in the hen enclosure and providing food and water.
Seeing five rabbits in the field as I walked the dogs. I haven't seen so many rabbits at once for years!
Laughing at our puppy as he hid in the hollows on the beach and then popped his head up!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Jubilee Flower Festival in Kirkby

The sign says it all.

St Cuthberts Church Kirkby

Floral display

Floral Display

Floral display on the font

View from the Porch

Flower display at entrance to porch

Friday, 1 June 2012

Jubilee Hi jinks!

  • The bunting is out in the village and just like the seven dwarfs (only there are four of us) the children and I trudge up and down the village with wheely bins full of hedge trimmings following a village spruce up!
  • The children celebrate at a village Jubilee party and each receives a Diamond Jubilee medal made out of Burlington Slate.
  • Mums gather round for a chat as the party takes place in a big marquee in the park next to the village Church.