Rusty |
Benny |
- The dogs run madly round the field on our way up to the park and nearly knock me over in their excitement!
- A heron sweeps up from the raging brook and skuds low over the field ahead.
- The smell of Roast beef wafts across the kitchen as I open the latch of the back door.
- The cake tins are over flowing with Victoria sponge and home- made rock cakes , yummy!
- As I walk up the garden I see that the Rhododendron bush is in bud in late September!
- Autumn is on it's way - the leaves of the elderberry bush are changing colour and the last of the blackberries gleam in the sunshine!
- My daughter dances at a Rambert Dance company workshop and is awarded year 7 Expressive Arts Student, One very proud mum.
- Looking back through summer photos!
- Enjoying the autumn sunshine whilst it lasts!
- Appreciating the colours of the autumn berries and the rich juicy blackberries and damsons in my garden!