Friday, 30 November 2012

Break downs,Break the ice and Birthdays

The water trough this morning!

  • I put my foot in the hens water trough to break the ice and cold water gushes into my welly! I forgot I had a hole in it!
  • My friends birthday. Have a very Happy one!
  • The gears break down on my car but we all get home safely!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Icy morning full of sunshine!

Robin watched on
Puddles in the field

  • I love how the ice cracks under my feet as I walk through the field.
  • The fields are full of water which is now covered by a film of ice.
  • Robin sits cheekily waiting for me to go before he swoops down to steal the hen pellets.

Monday, 26 November 2012

The Queen's transport!

  • As I climb the back steps to collect the milk I find a pair of knickers I had dropped on my way on with the washing!Wonder what the milkman thought!
  • My friend sends me a video of our local Dickensian weekend.Queen Victoria is riding a mobility scooter!
  • My son's 16th birthday tomorrow.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Christmas shopping in Chester!

  • Christmas shopping in Chester at the Christmas market
  • Spending the day with some special friends
  • Crawling into a snuggley duvet after a long and tiring day.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Sunsets,Scraps and Storms

Sun setting over the windfarm

  • A beautiful day in the aftermath of the flooding
  • A tea of leftovers after an exhausting week.
  • Watching the sun as it set over the estuary.

Chalk and cheese,comfy and curled up and Cooking

Flooding in Kirkby this afternoon!
  • Soft, sleek and calm, Scruffy wiry and chaotic - that's my dogs!
  • My son curled up on the sofa sleeping whilst the wind howls outside the window and the rain drums against the window panes
  • Making potato wedges with my daughter- a practice run before her assessment in cookery class on Friday.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Crafts, Chocolate Brownie and Christmas Cakes!

  • Lovely conversation at a Michelmas Craft Fayre with a lady selling handmade signs with mottos on them. I buy two, they will make great Christmas presents
  • Admiring the jars filled with fudge, chocolate chunks, brown sugar and flour! Chocolate brownie cookie mix yum, yum
  • Eating my first mince pie of the year whilst talking to an old lady who lives in a farm on the moors and makes twenty Christmas cakes each year!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Melted cheese, mango and maple leaves!

  • Granary cheese melt. salad and mango chutney with a cup of coffee all on my lonesome! Lovely........
  • The pattern of yellow maple leaves under my feet on the pavement as I walk into town
  • Sitting in the car with a good book waiting for my daughter to come out of choir.

Friday, 16 November 2012

One man and his two Dogs!

  • I walk into the utility room to find Rusty our border terrier pup, sitting on the table, smiling at me and wagging his tail! Yesterday he took two bread rolls out the cupboard, one for him and one for Benny the Labrador. I suppose I should be glad he knows how to share!
  • When I come back from talking to the postman he is sitting on a dining chair reading my emails.Does he know he's a dog?
  • Fantastic Rock concert at school the other night .So proud of the drummer! Not such a little boy any more but just as popular judging by the amount of teenage girls  hugging him. Never thought I'd see the day when my son wore nail varnish!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Eats,shoots and leaves!

  • The car headlights pick out the silhouettes of two harvest mice seeking somewhere dry to sleep. They scarper as soon as they are in full glare of the head lamps!
  • As I take a scoop of hen pellets from the food bin in the garage a robin swoops down from the ceiling and out through the door into the garden.
  • It's mild in the garden this  morning and the leaves are dropping gently like yellow tissues onto the ground

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Cormorants, cakes and cameras!

  • A huge black bird launches itself clumsily from the beck when it hears us pass by and hits the bridge as it fails to climb into the air in time. It sits winded for a few seconds giving me a better chance to study it . I think it's a cormorant!
  • The excitement in our little market town of watching a film crew filming for a television programme later in the year.
  • Yummy rock cakes made by my daughter!

Chicken Licken sees a Fox!

  • The dogs chase a fox which is staring straight into my friend's hen enclosure in broad daylight!
  • Thinking and praying for a dear friend in hospital today.
  • My husband assures me he really isn't going to spend a trip at the Pleasure beach when he goes to Blackpool  today!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Spiders webs and sponge cakes

  • Rain drops hang from the spiders webs outside the kitchen window
  • Sponge cake made from the last of our hens eggs. For the first time this year I have had to buy half a dozen in the supermarket and they just don't compare!
  • Muddy wellingtons as I splash through the puddles down the lane.

Whiffy dogs in the Dog House!

  • Rainbow over the estuary and I'm kicking myself that I didn't take the camera.
  • Two very smelly dogs who have been rolling in cow pats having a bath and shampoo!
  • Sitting in a warm bubbly bath whilst the rain lashes against the window pane.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Haircuts for Hedges!

Trimmed hedges

Starlings in Kirkby

  • The hedges have had a haircut in time for winter!
  • I watch enthralled as the starlings dip and swoop like synchronised swimmers
  • The mist has crept down the fells today and the roads are grey and muddy.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Indian tee pees in the English Lakes!

Oh what a beautiful mornin'!
Tee pees in cumbria!

  • Bonfire parties and overnight stays in a Tee pee!
  • Shire horses gamboling in the sunshine!
  • Getting back to reality as Half term draws to a close!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Snow sprinkles and Robin thief!

  • Snow on the Lakeland fells in the sunshine!
  • A robin comes to sit on the pear tree as I feed the hens, then swoops down to join them as they feed.
  • Sitting in the car ,sharing chicken nuggets and fries, before we set off on a Christmas shopping spree!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

After Halloween

Werewolf of Kirkby!

Chocolate apples
  • Am I the only person with a friend who brushes a shrew off the patio so the cat doesn't catch it?
  • Steaming coffee and gooey cakes in my friends kitchen as the autumn sun streams through the French windows, Good conversation too!
  • A bag of Halloween goodies hangs through the letter box. A Good witch or wizard must have delivered them yesterday evening!