I suppose I should have seen it coming! Just as I lifted the last Christmas present from under the tree last night it caught the tail of a very special labrador ornament which we were given for our 25th wedding anniversary and it smashed to the ground.For a moment I felt that 25 years of marriage had disintegrated in one fell swoop and I was overwhelmed with sadness. However an accident is an accident upon reflection I realised that the loss of the ornament didn't take away the love and thought which had gone into giving it to us.
The following morning,having been woken by my son, who for the first time ever had waited until the reasonable time of 8.20am before getting up on Christmas day, I went to clean my teeth before venturing out to feed the hens. As I reached for my toothbrush for some reason I let go and it went flying across the bathroom landing slap bang in the toilet!
Things didn't improve much, breakfast passed without a hitch and the children's presents were a success ,at least until my son opened his ipod touch and found it wouldn't work! "These things happen" we told him "We'll take it back with the receipt and exchange it". Cold realisation dawned that I couldn't remember where the receipt was as we'd bought the present in good time for Christmas and in spite of searching for an hour I still couldn't find it.
As I walked the dog later in the afternoon with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and feeling very sorry for myself I realised how silly I was. Despite these minor setbacks we are so lucky. Lucky that we are able to treat our children, lucky that we have so many material possessions and lucky that we have each other and our health. I looked at the gifts I'd received and they said it all. Laid out on the middle of my bed was a sign on which were the words "Peace and plenty!", a DVD on the true meaning of Christmas and a book entitled "The Lilypad list - 7 steps to the simple life". Perhaps someone is trying to remind me to count my plentiful blessings! Merry Christmas to you all, I'm off to buy a new toothbrush tomorrow!
LOL @ that flying across the bathroom! I also dropped my toothbrush in the toilet. I was in sixth grade then, I believe. But it didn't fly! LOL. It just fell.
ReplyDeleteJenna Schrock
I can laugh now but I didn't at the time!!!