Tuesday 28 February 2012

Technology- Time saver or waster?

Coincidentally I have read two articles in the last couple of days about the cost of technology in our lives. With only a pay as you go mobile and a laptop to my name I count myself as fairly naive in a world where to have a kindle of ipad seems to be the norm and where nobody is anybody without a smart phone. Despite my lack of gadgets I have become increasingly concerned at the amount of time I find myself at my laptop, checking emails and surfing the net, often at the expense of housework, gardening or walking the dog.Whilst ownership of my computer is obviously essential in my job as a writer I am fast coming to the conclusion that there is a lot to be said for going on a technology diet, cutting back on it's usage and monitoring the effects.
When I gave up work our dishwasher broke down. Previously , as a working mother I had used the dishwasher to store our unwashed plates out of sight and away from kitchen surfaces. I regarded it as an 'essential' as it gave me the freedom to concentrate on other things whilst the dishes washed themselves. We replaced our broken dishwasher with a new human model- me and I now spend a therapeutic half an hour away from the tv washing the pots and appreciating the time for contemplation.
I'm not sure I would enjoy a kindle. I love the feel and smell of books and enjoy curling up on the bed on these dark winter nights with a book and a glass of wine- somehow a kindle seems sterile and businesslike.
I have set myself a goal - only to check my emails twice a day.The freedom it has given me is amazing, no longer tied to the computer I fill my time making cakes, gardening, reading and walking and have even taken up sewing again!
I am beginning to see the overuse of technology as sapping my creativity. It has its uses but it also has its dangers . It can become obsessive.What started as a promising new age of technology has crept up on us without us noticing and is beginning to destroy our ability to communicate with each other. We are in danger of living virtual lives. I have never been on Face book, I wish to retain the small circle of friends that I have nurtured over the 48 years of my life rather than acquire sudden celebrity status within days. What is wrong with meeting my friends for lunch, dropping them a note or speaking to them on the phone. They don't want to hear the minute details of my life! Having said all that I suppose I'd better switch off my computer and get ready to do some decorating with my new found free time!

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