Friday 30 March 2012

Going with the flow-not with the Crowd

As I went to fill up with diesel as I normally do on a Thursday I was met with queues of panicking motorists eager to fill up with fuel because of the impending tanker stike (that's if it actually happens) It seem that the U.K.  media have successfully stirred up panic buying, causing problems before there even is one.
It occurred to me that society sadly so often follows the herd. People were buying petrol because they saw queues at the filling station and realised if they didn't stock up there would be none left so they refuelled too. Mostly to full capacity!
We are fairly sheltered in the country side, there's  a community here and people are more resourceful in emergencies. They have to be, there is little public transport. I remember a pensioner joking that whilst he was delighted to have a free bus pass it would be even better if a bus came with it!
So often there is a good side to such emergencies. We take our transport so much for granted. A hundred years ago in our village you would have taken your horse and cart to market every Thursday over the Fells, a round trip of 16 miles and it would have taken all day. You would probably have sat on the moors with a picnic overlooking the estuary on your way back watching the sun go down over Black Combe, a much healthier and contented lifestyle than most of us have now! Obviously there were great hardships too but people didn't expect the government to sort it out, they pulled together and helped one another.
Here we have another beautifully sunny day, I have my weekly shopping and I intend to spend the rest of the day working in my garden. The problems of tomorrow can wait (after all only 80% of what we worry about actually happens anyway.) So until it does it's not worth stressing about!
Black Combe

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