Thursday 15 March 2012

Just a little Note!

I had a lovely surprise yesterday, a wonderful home-made birthday card from a dear friend I haven't seen for several years. It was totally unexpected and wonderful to hear news of her family and mutual friends! Letters are special, especially those where extra time and trouble have been taken to make them with you in mind. I always enjoy my Christmas letters too. I've given up on the commercialised Christmas cards bearing the words "from the" often from acquaintances who don't even know the children's names. I'd much rather curl up with a coffee and savour the news of my real friends who keep in touch with a letter despite the physical distance between us. Emails are not the same. I'm guilty of sending them too often as they're quick and cheap but I have to admit the "old fashioned way" is better.A letter can be picked up time and time again to read and re-read and to hand to friends when they visit. I've resolved to turn over a new leaf! I've already started making my own cards whenever possible , failing that I've discovered that they can often be bought quite cheaply in charity shops and at Craft fayres. I've been lax with thank you letters too. It isn't intentional but family life has so often got in the way and before you know it its the next birthday or Christmas and you haven't written! So as from now I've decided to turn over a new leaf and start writing more. Meanwhile here are the lovely cards I received from very dear friends!

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